Now we have reached the Expert level of VBA. Here we will start to interact with other applications such as Outlook, SQL, File and Folders and learn the how to best write your code in a more efficient way to minimize any future maintenance.

How to "excel vba find newest file in folder"?
For answering this inquiry we will mostly use the code for the folder picker in my other article where 90% of the code is already done...
How to create a unique array and "vba filter unique values"?
Learn how to create a unique array in order to remove your duplicates with ReDim Preserve syntax or with the unique worksheet function.
How to work with "excel vba r1c1 absolute reference"?
Create formulas and cell references from VBA. Formula vs FormulaR1C1 method and with mixed absolute or relative references.
How to import a File or a Folder in to excel with VBA?
Import a file or folder using the built in Folderpicker dialog, MsoFileDialogType. Open a File/Folder or import All files from a folder.
How to Call Subscripts or Functions and send data between them in VBA?
Pass data between your scripts or functions. A necessary tool to vastly reduce your lines of code and becoming a great programmer.
How to "vba bulk insert sql server"?
Learn how to connect to SQL tables and send data back and fourth excel. We will upload/import an excel table to a SQL table.
How to Import a SQL table to excel with "adodb recordset vba"?
Learn how to connect to SQL tables and send data back and fourth excel. We will Export a SQL table to an excel sheet.
What are My Secret Hacks for your VBA programs to run faster and cleaner??
Secret hacks to unlock the full speed of vba!! Never use Select, turn off screenupdating, worksheet calculations and reduce traffic.
How to hide vba code in excel?
Learn how to best hide your vba code from prying eyes including locking your macros and using excel xlSheetVeryHidden function.